Modern Business Solution ‘a2z’

Now-a-days, counterfeiting is widespread, making it extremely difficult to keep original products in the market. As a result, to address the global issues of counterfeit products, along with other facilities for existing and new enterprises as well as general public interest, has invented and leading a project named ‘‘a2z’’ which is a user-friendly modern AI-based business solution (e-platform) that addresses a variety of current business challenges. It not only protects the interests of the general public and brand owners, but it also allows enterprises to make substantial contributions to the growth of the national economy. Under this framework with modern supply chain management and online facilities help the government meet the SDG targets set out for the private sector. ‘‘a2z’’ contains 11 distinct management modules, the most notable of which is ‘Blue Check’. With an online “BlueCheck” system, a general public can quickly distinguish between genuine and counterfeit products. The remaining modules of ‘‘a2z’’ are as follows: The second module provides modern supply chain management with e-commerce facilities; the third module offers immediate short-term digital cashless loan (credit) facilities for everyone, from major distributors to retailers; and the fourth module offers digital warehousing through modern supply chain integration (e-warehouse outlet management). The fifth module offers stocktaking products at any point of the supply chain, from manufacturers to merchants. The sixth module focuses on digital warranty management and free insurance for consumers. The seventh module is trade communication, which includes product advertising and the immediate transfer of urgent information from manufacturers to retailers via internet platforms and social media. In the eighth module, brand owners can gather necessary information through a digital survey, soliciting feedback from customers and key supply chain stakeholders to improve their product quality or sales volume. The ninth module aims to prevent counterfeiting and unlawful commercial activities through effective management, with the support of the NBR, the government’s LEA, and relevant ministries. The tenth module entails creating an e-commerce platform that meets international standards for legitimate products, accepts credit cards, and facilitates online transactions for customers. This platform will help both existing and new entrepreneurs launch smart AI-based business management, protecting all stakeholders’ interests. In the eleventh module, establish the necessary number of support centers to ensure the successful installation and management of ‘‘a2z’’.

The ‘‘a2z’’ is a modern business solution that aims to reduce marketing and service costs and enhance human resources with an AI-based digital corporate structure, which contributes to the development of a smart Bangladesh. The ‘‘a2z’’ core framework is free to use for both IPAB members and the general public. This online and digital innovation, ‘‘a2z’’ for modern business management, is currently undergoing patent registration for both domestic and foreign markets.

The Blue Check, a crucial component of ‘A2Z’’s software, provides a straightforward option for customers (the general public) to effortlessly differentiate between an authentic product and a counterfeit one without any cost. The Blue Check application primarily employs covert and overt codes, which include Unique Codes, QR Codes with dynamic multiple patterns, image-to-text, barcodes, SMS, and combinations of two or more codes. The implementation of codes and techniques in any form and method to ensure simple operation, minimize costs, and address associated risks, particularly those related to copying.

The e-Supply Chain with Stocktaking and Warehouse Outlet, as well as Central Database Management (CDM) are the important modules of ‘a2z’. This solution provides manufacturers with accurate stock information at multiple levels, including the factory warehouse(s), products in transit, distributors, wholesalers, and retailers. With these modules, a manufacturer can implement Just-in-Time (JIT) inventory management. This solution makes it easier to keep the bare minimum of inventory on hand to meet market demands. As a result, these modules provide MIS for dependable supply chain management and accurate demand planning, helping a manufacturer reduce unnecessary working capital use. In these modules, manufacturers can enable e-commerce in a B2B capacity known as Warehouse Outlet for distributors, wholesalers, and retailers to prevent stockout situations at any stock point and time.

The Digital (Retail) Financing module of ‘a2z’ is distinguished by its unique features. Any valued manufacturer’s supply chain partners, such as distributors, wholesalers, and retailers, may use medium- to short-term loan facilities immediately, if necessary, after completing the proper KYC due diligence process. This module not only provides a cost-effective digital loan financing process, but it also ensures nearly 100% loan recovery by utilizing existing, experienced distribution personnel and supply chain channels. As a result, this Cashless Loan Financing module could be an extremely useful solution for a financial institute, especially a digital bank, that does not rely on bank personnel to reduce the cost of loan processing. However, the respective loan receiver can make the loan repayment directly, with the option of a digital payment process, or the sales representative may collect the loan amount according to their regular schedule.

Digital Warranty with free insurance is a unique product warranty management solution that generates a digital warranty account for each product user using their cell phone number, eliminating paper invoice documentation. The manufacturer supports the free insurance policy, which offers several years of warranty and service guarantees. Using the warranty management module, users and retailers can verify product warranty status in their respective accounts. Warranty management raises brand awareness in domestic and international markets. This module covers customizing, integration, automation, claims administration, and analytics. In addition to marketing the brand, warranty management creates technical-skilled jobs at service Centers nationwide to benefit product users.

Effective trade communication facilitates the brand’s promotion. Under this module, relevant supply change information is recorded, such as business partners’ cell phone numbers, WhatsApp, Social Media ID, and Mailing Address, which facilitate trade communication throughout the supply chain, especially from manufacturers to retailers. This module is helpful for both large and small businesses wishing to promote their brands and defend illicit trade.

The current survey process follows a conventional technique, making it difficult to acquire data to expand our brands. This module will involve an expert professional team creating a multiple-choice survey questionnaire and an approach to administering it using the current distribution supply-chain networks with associated human resources. A manufacturer may find this module a practical, modern, and effective solution, but the survey expense should not exceed their current budget, even less.

The IPR Enforcement Taskforce module reports on counterfeit product marketing, revenue evasion, and illicit trade using the central database of ‘‘a2z’’, BlueCheck, and Supply Chain Management. Creating and managing a common taskforce with industry experts, law enforcement authorities, revenue board liaisons, lawyers, counterfeit and illegal business intelligence, etc. can protect intellectual property products, prevent counterfeiting, and illicit business activities. Enforcing IPRs traditionally requires coordination among industry specialists, legal personnel, including LEA, and significant financial resources, which could be a challenging task to manage for a single organisation. Thus, ‘‘a2z’’ can solve the problem by building an appropriate common functional taskforce and sharing management costs among IPAB members agreed upon business organisations. It is beneficial for small and medium enterprises, especially based on the ‘‘a2z’’ illicit report, to coordinate with relevant law enforcement agencies to perform all operations, including criminal prosecutions against counterfeits and illegal businesses. You can register your product on this platform to protect your brand, IP, and ‘‘a2z’’ benefits.

Entrepreneurship Development Module of our ESG project, ‘‘a2z’’, helps governments accomplish SDG targets and improve economic growth. While protecting intellectual property, under this module uses reverse engineering to promote Dholaikhal and Jinjira as light engineering hubs. We must decide how industrialised countries like China, Korea, and Germany use technology and education for industrial and economic progress. Legally, reverse engineering is often supported, especially when R&D costs are expensive or take too long to recuperate. In this case, without the support of the government, relevant ministries, Bangladesh Bank, developed countries, and global organisations like WIPO, industry, brand creation, entrepreneur growth, and, most importantly, the transformation of the mentioned places into light-engineering hubs for small and medium industries would be impossible.

Finally, we have designed different customised support centers to ensure the flawless operation of ‘‘a2z’’. It is a remarkable innovation that not only acts as a business model for IP holders and protects its users’ intellectual property rights, but also has the unique purpose of fostering our nation’s economic growth. As a result, the Board of Directors may consist of IPAB EC members, business leaders, intellectuals, and relevant government authorities, including NBR, to ensure effective governance in the best interests of stakeholders.

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